Why Datta Homes?


Datta Homes invites you to experience the pinnacle of luxury living. Step into a world where elegance meets comfort, and every detail is crafted with perfection. Our homes are more than just living spaces; they are a lifestyle, designed to offer you the utmost in quality, style, and sophistication. Come, indulge in the luxurious living experience you deserve.

Find Your Home

Pankaj Charaya is impressed by total luxury…

“…. Luxury unlimited … that’s Luxury Indeed!”

Parul Diwan says…

“.. What strikes me is the huge windows throughout the house and high ceilings…..”

Nataliya Danesh likes eco-friendly…

“…..the bright light colored walls that reflects a lot of light but also the big tall windows and the high ceiling…..”

Aaron Lawrenson’s as a real estate broker my favorite part…

“…..favorite part is the master bathroom and the high-end fixtures….”

Alex Hand says…

“…. it’s a very well-built Garage because the walls are actually finished here, and they are insulated…. Garage door is also insulated….”

Ali Byquist likes…

“…..all of the finishes, how they all match and the details they all ties in and cohesive, very well thought through!”

Daniel Spray as a kid…

“…..upstairs living area and I like it a lot because it ties in all the bedrooms together…..”

Kasey Byquist is impressed by High-end appliances…

“…. all stainless-steel appliances everywhere…. they are all High-end….”

Meggin Greer says…

“I absolutely love the big windows that brings all the natural light and as well as it opens so that in summer time you can get breeze coming in…..”

Navdeep Gill favorite area of the house…

“….so much beautiful natural light that was coming in here that made it very welcoming…. my personal favorite would be walk-in-closet ….”

Taige McMohan likes

“..large corridor, huge windows, Bosch appliances, Grohe fixtures…..”

Tim Greer says…

“….one of the best features I like was the kitchen…. Definitely top notch….”

Bindu and Atul Bali says…

“…..everything is included that we see…..”

Sheila Lawrenson as a real estate broker…

“…..find most attractive is the quality that goes into the properties. He uses a lot of very high-end finishes …. Refrigerator is included, it’s just really comfortable open warm floor plan….”